Monday, January 31, 2011

Bruce Caves

As I mentioned in the first photo I posted "DC Photography Picture #1", I would more then likely get up some photos from the trip to Bruce Caves in Wiarton, Ontario last summer.

I know these pictures are quite out of date by now but it's nice to look back on for sure.

Here's a few to check out below and if you'd like to see the rest, feel free to click the link at the bottom and it'll bring you to the rest of them on my facebook.

Dustin playing hot feet
On our way up to Bruce Caves, Mark told us about a crazy huge hill just full of sand. We HAD to check it out!

The sand was so hot that you needed to literally find the tiniest bit of shade and take breaks on the way up.

And of course the only right way to get down is basically full speed ahead as Dustin demonstrates here.

Melani overlooking Georgian Bay

We made a few pitstops on the way to the caves resulting in us attempting to sleep on the beach before getting kicked off by the OPP.

Therefore we moved back closer to the caves and slept in the car for the night, or in Mark and Dustins case on the ground under a semi-trailer haha

This was shot during sunset the night before, Melani was staring off into what I believe would be Georgian Bay.

When we did finally make it to the Bruce Caves, we decided to take a group picture once we were inside; with the flashes setup and the camera on timer... We finally made it.
Entrance to the Bruce Caves
Feel free to check out all the other pictures from inside the cave and the trip up to it...           "Bruce Caves"


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rose City Warehouse

The owner of Rose City Rabbit skateboards is nice enough to rent out a warehouse in Windsor, Ontario for pretty cheap to skaters which results in some pretty solid sessions going down.

During the same time I took the previous "DC Photography Picture #8" I got to shoot with some other guys for the first time.

Nick Hatt, another one of the Essex homies has some serious pop and this picture doesnt lie.
Nick Hatt - Ollie

This was my first time shooting photos of Dan, would like to do some more down the road cause this guy can seriously shred.
Dan Balint - One-Footed Crook

Even though this picture was partially accidental since I forgot to turn on my one flash (common mistake by me) it turned out great.

It was cool to see a not so average trick go down aswell.

Nick Hatt - Overcrook

To close this one off is yet another pic of Nick, its nice to have guys that are willing to do some tricks for the camera without hesitating.

Nick is a perfect example of this with a solid Overcrook on the flat rail.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

DC Photography Final Picture

Yesterday was a big day having the interview with Ryan Eles (If you missed it, go back and check it out!)

This time around I venture out of BMX and into skateboarding.

Skateboarding has always been one of my passions growing up, since I live in a small town, they're really no bikers within 20 minutes from me. Most of the time I'll usually just grab my board and fool around on flat ground, so if you ever see me out there, challenge me to a game of "SKATE". I dare you!

So here is the final picture to close off the intro to my newly created blog.

Dane Gillet - Tail/Nose slide?

It was taken a few days ago during a session when we rented out the warehouse in Windsor, Ontario.

When I asked him to do something for a picture, he didn't hesitate and through down this trick for the camera.

Not quite sure what the trick is actually called but it made for a great shot none-the-less. Thanks Dane!

I grew up skating with Dane and a bunch of the other Essex guys and they all just keep getting better and better.

 Check out some of their skating...

Friday, January 28, 2011

DC Photography Picture #7

Since it's friday and there is only 2 pictures remaining to talk about; I decided to split them apart and with this one comes an Interview with the rider in the photo, Ryan Eles. Make sure to scroll down after the photo to read up on his interview!

This was taken again on my trip up north during the summer.

I met up with a bunch of the sudbury riders, Ryan being one of them. They showed me around and then we eventually got over to SF Fitness owned by Pat Girard who had these ramps built between his house and his business.

During my stay up there we filmed enough for two edits.
Feel free to watch them below:

21 Questions with Ryan Eles

    First off, I wanna give a huge thanks to Ryan for taking the time to fill out this interview. He mentioned a few times that the questions were tough but he answered them with flying colours and came through for this months Friday Interview.

Photo Cred: Chris Chitaroni
Lets get started with the basics of course:

Name: Ryan Eles
Age: 18 Years of Age
Hometown: Sudbury, Ontario
Years Riding: 5

1.) What first got you into BMX?
Mostly just going to the local skatepark with my mountain beast and seeing all the guys killing it on bmx. Always being the kid saying "Let me try your bike", and then just having way more fun on a bmx. Also checking out all the wild bmx videos on the internet kinda pushed me towards bmx.

2.) Who were your biggest influences when you first started riding?
I'd have to say most of the local guys, Garret Reynolds and Scotty Cranmer

3.) Who's killin' it these days?
Mike Doin' Work Gray. Dudes progressing like crazy. Every time he drops an edit, there is always many new crazy tricks going down. Just a wild dude.

4.) You have a pretty solid scene up in Sudbury; Who do you ride with on the regular?
Most of the time I ride with Lee Giroux, Kyle Lafleur, Zach Lacelle and Nick Callaghan. So many chillen ridaz in this area so its usually a good time.

5.) Who gives the hate between you guys the most?
Defiantly Kyle serves up the most hate, but ghetto Nick is up there too in the hate department. It's all joking around so you can't let it affect you. Just gotta man up and hate back.

Going upside down on ski's! 
6.) Living in the great white north, you have longer winters and definitely colder ones; What do you do during those months to keep motivated?

Can't really do much to stay motivated lol. Closest place to ride is Joyride, which is 4 hours away. So pretty much just watching ridiculous amounts of bmx movies and web edits. Then staring at my bike hoping the weather warms up and the snow goes away.

7.) I noticed some skiing pictures up and around; Why skiing and not snowboarding?
I snowboarded before I skied, never really got into it. I enjoy skiing. Gives me something active to do in the winter to keep me from going crazy and ruining my life playing xbox.

8.) You just recently went to Woodward to escape the cold, how was the trip?
Didn't really escape the cold because when we went down there, they had more snow then us and it was just as cold. Woodward is ridiculous, they have everything you need. Chillen with the homies, lots of good riding, and new tricks went down. Some ridiculous basketball shots in Buds Barn, that place is so much fun. If you have the chance to go to Woodward, you gotta check it out.

9.) Any memorable highlights of 2010?
Defiantly riding with Chase Davidson on his trip up north. First time meeting him, and had a great couple days of shredding. Also riding in the Toronto Bmx Jam. Was my first contest and just had a great time riding with all the boys. 2010 was pretty much a highlight, great year riding, many fun trips and met alot of sick dudes.
Screen cap in his latest street edit - Bar 11 set

10.) You've been progressing at an incredible rate lately getting new variations every video I see, what are your favorite tricks to do?

Lol Thanks man. I'd say bar and whips are my favorite tricks. I have alot of fun on footjam tricks too. I like alot of the tricks I do, cause if I didn't like them there'd be no point in doing em.

11.) How would you describe your bike setup?
Umm I like my bike to be as quiet as possible, light and clean. Big bars, fat seat and recently got into pegs so they gotta be there. Pretty simple set-up.

12.) Street, Park, Dirt or Flatland?

Pretty much ride everything. Park is always fun, street is badass and I wish I wasn't such a slacker and rode it more. Something to look for in 2011 for sure. Trails are fun as hell. Got a pretty deece set of trails in town, so it's always a blast to go ride them. Flatland is so gnarly, I don't have the balance for that.

Photo Cred: Zach Lacelle

13.) Some parents support it, some don't. Where do yours stand?
Mine are kinda in the middle. They think it's cool that I ride bmx and help out a bit with trips, but at the same time they're more focused on my school and would rather me be focusing on school then bmx.

14.) What's your top 3 non-BMX related videos?  (no particular order)
Step-Brothers (you have no sense of humour if you do not like this movie)
Hot Rod
The Town

15.) Now top 3 BMX videos? (No particular order)
Ride Bmx Range of Motion (Dennis Enarson, Garrett Reynolds, Sean Sexton and Tony Hamlin kill it!)
The Birth of Big Air (Matt Hoffman is ridiculous, dude's a legend)
Road Fools 18 ( Big Daddy is hilarious, Everybody kills it)

16.) Put your iTunes or iPod on shuffle and name the first 5 songs! (Thats not a question I'm aware) haha
Layin down the orders lol
Lil Wayne feat. Drake - Right Above It
Kesha - We Are Who We Are
Exit Row - Wiz Khalifa
DJ Flesh feat Flux Pavilion - Gold Dust Dubstep
Lil Wayne feat. Gucci - We Be Steady Mobbin

17.) Any trips planned for 2011?
Nothing crazy planned yet, one or two more trips to Joyride, then the Toronto Bmx Jam. Hopefully doing alot more travelling this year for sure. 

18.) Toronto BMX Jam is coming up shortly, and the list of pros coming out is looking pretty good; Anyone in particular your excited about seeing ride?
I'm super pumped to see Luke Parslow. He's so good, and I'm pumped to see Keith Schmidt. Rode with him at Woodward, he kills it and he's super dialed. Had a great time there last year and looking forward to it again.

19.) Any other contests you plan on going to this year?
Toronto Bmx Jam is really the only one right now. I'm definitely looking to going to a few more this year. We'll see what comes up nearby.

20.) Thanks or shout outs?
Thanks to Chase Davidson for this interview, he kills it aswell, blog is sick. Mom and Dad for helping me out. Local dudes who kill and putting up with me. RIDAZZ! 

21.) You have 21 words to end this, throw em up!
Have fun, ride bikes. If you're not having fun then your training too hard.... I don't know what else to write.

With that said and done, check out Ryan's 2010 summer/fall edit below and also his latest woodward video... "2011 Woodward Sesh"

Random Shoot w/ Cale

A couple days ago my friend and amazing photographer Cale Best came out to Cottam, picked me up, and we went out to try and shoot some photos. The sky was cloudy which didnt make for good pictures but nonetheless I tryed to grab a couple out by Harrow, Ontario.

Bridge over canal #1

This marks the first time shooting outside in the Winter, I'm not the happiest with the photos I took but these were the ones that stood out to me the most.

I hope to get out the next day the sky cooperates and take some better pictures. Hopefully Cale will be kind enough to drive back out to the middle of nowhere to pick me up haha

Bridge over canal #2

Not to mention, I am terrified of falling through ice.

Be sure to check out Cale's pictures aswell, he posts new pictures up on his blog every monday.

You can see his photos at
"See Best Photography"


Thursday, January 27, 2011

DC Photography Picture #6

Now to differ away into something else I love to shoot.


During June last year, Eric Favot organized a small BMX demo in Windsor, Ontario.
Thanks to Jason Aguiar, Justin Guignard, and Ian Christison coming out to ride in it as well.

Ian Christison - Gap over Rail
This photo here is Ian taking a break from the ramps and bringing it to the streets with a huge gap over rail into the bank in the foreground.

I was lucky enough to get some got shots and he good it put away really fast.

Ian also rides for "Sour Fever Clothing" out of Toronto, so be sure to check that out.

And if you want to see some of the ramp riding from the demo, you can check those pictures out "HERE".
Watch the video... "Windsor BMX Demo"

And to see Ian pulls this trick in his 2010 Street video, watch that "HERE"      

DC Photography Picture #5

This picture closes off my annual trip up to North Bay.

I go to this waterfall every year and every year it doesn't disappoint. This year the water levels were low so it wasn't flowing as strong as it normally does but even still I got this photo Im happy with.

It was taken just outside of Calender, Ontario at Burks Falls.

Can't wait to go back up there next year.

If you'd like to see more pictures from this trip, you can click "HERE" .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DC Photography Picture #4

Continuing off of the last blog comes the following picture:

During my visit to Timmins to see some family, we went on a little cruise to see my cousin Vanessa at Camp Pickle.

It was cool to see how every thing worked and everyone was having a great time.

So glad I got the chance to go out and it was a great opportunity for some photos.

DC Photography Picture #3

The next couple pictures are from my week trip up to North Bay with my dad last summer.
I'm starting with the one below because it was the Sunrise that kicked off the start of my vacation.

Its not to often I'm ever up this early let alone want to grab a camera and start taking pictures but this one overlooks Lake Nipissing.

A 7 hour drive up to Timmins after due to photography breaks and a quick session at the Kirkland Lake skatepark leads to the next picture.

DC Photography Picture #2

I decided to let another one go out today since its the very start, and well, I'm excited to keep dishin out photos.

This picture was again taken during the summer when I lived in Sarnia.

My Mom came up to visit me one weekend so I decided I'd show her around a bit, after showing her the public BMX dirt jumps we ventured off into the petting zoo were I found this little guy.

This has still got to be one of my favorite photos.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It Starts Now...

So this is my first ever blog, and I can already tell you I've put a lot more time into this site then I at first thought I would be. I have really been procrastinating on making something like this but I'm glad I took the initiative.

What I plan on doing this year; Is to take a lot more pictures then last year.
I tended to slack a lot and nothing really came out of it.

With this blog now up and running, I look forward to posting new pictures, new videos and other interesting things I find on the internet as well.

To start this out I will give a quick explanation of the above picture broken down into each segment once a day throughout the week:

This picture was taken during the summer months when I lived in Sarnia, Ontario with my little portuguese buddy Mark.

It was on a weekend trip up to Wiarton, Ontario (3 hours north of Sarnia) with Mark and two of our good friends Dustin and Melani.

The whole idea of the trip was to go cave exploring (I may post some of those pics later) which we did get to do but just hanging out with all three of them was a blast!